Database classes#

Combustion Toolbox generates its own databases using an up-to-date version of NASA’s 9-coefficient polynomial fits [McBride, 2002]. This information is stored in the Database abstract class. Three main databases are used in the code:


class Database(varargin)#

Bases: handle

The Database abstract class contains the common methods between database objects. This class is used as a base class for the NasaDatabase and BurcatDatabase classes.

See also: NasaDatabase(), BurcatDatabase()



addSpecies(speciesName, DB_master)#

Add species to the database

extrapolationMethod = None#

Extrapolation method for the griddedInterpolant objects

filename = None#

Database filename

getProperty(listSpecies, property)#

Gets the vector of the defined property for the given set of species

  • obj (Database) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits

  • listSpecies (cell) – List of species

  • property (char) – Property name


value (float) – Property vector


value = getProperty(obj, {‘H2O’, ‘CO2’}, ‘hf’)

interpolationMethod = None#

Interpolation method for the griddedInterpolant objects


Load database from file


obj (Database) – Database object

Optional Args:

filename (char): Filename of the database


obj (Database) – Database object

name = None#

Database name

pointsTemperature = None#

Number of points to use in the interpolation of the thermodynamic data


Save database to a *.mat file


obj (Database) – Database object

Optional Args:

filename (char): Name of the file savePath (char): Save path

species = None#

Struct with Species objects

temperatureReference = None#

Default temperature of reference

thermoFile = None#

Name with path for the thermodynamic database file (raw data)

units = None#

Units thermodynamic data [molar or mass]


class NasaDatabase(varargin)#

Bases: combustiontoolbox.databases.Database, handle

The NasaDatabase() class is used to store thermodynamic data from NASA’s database using NASA’s 9 coefficient polynomial fits.

The NasaDatabase() object can be initialized as follows:

database = NasaDatabase()

This creates an instance of the NasaDatabase() class and initializes it with the chemical species contained in NASA’s database.

See also: BurcatDatabase(), Database()



Optional Args:

varargin (optional): key-value pairs to initialize the database


obj (NasaDatabase) – Object with NASA’s database


  • db = combustiontoolbox.databases.NasaDatabase();

  • db = combustiontoolbox.databases.NasaDatabase(‘filename’, ‘DB.mat’);

static fullname2name(species)#

Get full name of the given species


species (char) – Chemical species


name (char) – Full name of the given species


Generate Database with thermochemical interpolation curves from the data extracted from the thermoFile


obj (NasaDatabase) – NasaDatabase object

Optional Args:
  • listSpecies (cell): List of species to generate the database


obj (NasaDatabase) – NasaDatabase object with thermochemical interpolation curves


  • DB = generateDatabase(NasaDatabase());

  • DB = generateDatabase(NasaDatabase(), {‘N2’, ‘O2’, ‘NO’, ‘O’, ‘N’});


Generate Master Database (DB_master) with the thermodynamic data of the chemical species


obj (NasaDatabase) – NasaDatabase object


DB_master (struct) – Database with the thermodynamic data of the chemical species


  • DB_master = generateDatabaseMaster(‘thermo_CT.inp’)

static getChangeMolesGasReaction(elements, elementMatrix, phase)#

In order to compute the internal energy of formation from the enthalpy of formation of a given species, we must determine the change in moles of gases during the formation reaction of a mole of that species starting from the elements in their reference state.


The only elements that are stable as diatomic gases are elements 1 (H), 8 (N), 9 (O), 10 (F), and 18 (Cl). The remaining elements that are stable as (monoatomic) gases are the noble gases He (3), Ne (11), Ar (19), Kr (37), Xe (55), and Rn (87), which do not form any compound.

  • elements (Elements) – Elements object

  • elementMatrix (float) – Element matrix of the species

  • phase (float) – 0 or 1 indicating gas or condensed species

Optional Args:
  • elements (Elements): Elements object


Delta_n (float) – Change in moles of gases during the formation reaction of a mole of that species starting from the elements in their reference state


Delta_n = getChangeMolesGasReaction(elements, element_matrix, phase)

static getCoefficients(species, DB)#

Unpack NASA’s polynomials coefficients from database

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


Tuple containing

  • a (cell): Temperature coefficients

  • b (cell): Integration constants

  • Trange (cell): Ranges of temperatures [K]

  • Texponents (cell): Exponent coefficients

  • Tintervals (float): Number of intervals of temperatures

  • phase (float): 0 or 1 indicating gas or condensed phase, respectively

  • hf0 (float): Enthalpy of formation [J/mol]

  • W (float): Molecular weight [kg/mol]

  • FLAG_REFERENCE (bool): Flag indicating species is a reference element/species


[a, b, Trange, Texponents, Tintervals, phase, hf0, W, FLAG_REFERENCE] = getCoefficients(‘H2O’, DB)


Generate Master Database (DB_master) with the thermodynamic data of the chemical species


thermoFile (char) – path of thermoFile


DB_master (struct) – Database with the thermodynamic data of the chemical species

static getIndexTempereratureInterval(species, T, DB)#

Get interval of the NASA’s polynomials from the Database (DB) for the given species and temperature [K].

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • T (float) – Temperature [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


Tinterval (float) – Index of the interval of temperatures

getSpeciesThermo(DB, species, temperature, units)#

Calculates the thermodynamic properties of any species included in the NASA database

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • T (float) – Temperature [K]

  • units (char) – Label indicating mass [kg] or molar [mol] units


Tuple containing

  • cP0 (float): Specific heat at constant pressure [J/(mol-k)]

  • hf0 (float): Enthalpy of formation [J/mol]

  • h0 (float): Enthalpy [J/mol]

  • ef0 (float): Internal energy of formation [J/mol]

  • s0 (float): Entropy [J/(mol-k)]

  • Dg0 (float): Gibbs energy [J/mol]


  • [cp0, hf0, h0, ef0, s0, g0] = getSpeciesThermo(obj, DB, ‘CO’, 1000, ‘molar’)

  • cp0 = 33.1788

  • hf0 = -1.1054e+05

  • h0 = -8.8848e+04

  • ef0 = -1.1177e+05

  • s0 = 234.5409

getSpeciesThermoFull(DB, species, temperature, units)#

Compute thermodynamic function using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits

  • units (char) – Label indicating mass [kg] or molar [mol] units


Tuple containing

  • cp (float): Specific heat at constant pressure in units basis [J/(units-K)]

  • cv (float): Specific heat at constant volume in units basis [J/(units-K)]

  • h0 (float): Enthalpy in units basis [J/units]

  • DhT (float): Thermal enthalpy in units basis [J/units]

  • e0 (float): Internal energy in units basis [J/units]

  • DeT (float): Thermal internal energy in units basis [J/units]

  • s0 (float): Entropy in units basis [J/(units-K)]

  • g0 (float): Gibbs energy in units basis [J/units]


[cp, cv, h0, DhT, e0, DeT, s0, g0] = speciesThermoFull(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_DeT_NASA(species, temperature, DB)#

Compute thermal internal energy [J/mol] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


DeT (float) – Thermal internal energy in molar basis [J/mol]


DeT = species_DeT_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_DhT_NASA(species, temperature, DB)#

Compute thermal enthalpy [J/mol] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


DhT (float) – Thermal enthalpy in molar basis [J/mol]


DhT = species_DhT_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_cP_NASA(obj, species, temperature)#

Compute specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume [J/(mol-K)] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • obj (NasaDatabase) – NasaDatabase object

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]


Tuple containing

  • cp (float): Specific heat at constant pressure in molar basis [J/(mol-K)]

  • cv (float): Specific heat at constant volume in molar basis [J/(mol-K)]


[cp, cv] = species_cP_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_cV_NASA(species, temperature, DB)#

Compute specific heat at constant volume [J/(mol-K)] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


cV (float) – Specific heat at constant volume in molar basis [J/(mol-K)]


cV = species_cV_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_e0_NASA(species, temperature, DB)#

Compute internal energy and the thermal internal energy [J/mol] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


Tuple containing

  • e0 (float): Internal energy in molar basis [J/mol]

  • DeT (float): Thermal internal energy in molar basis [J/mol]


[e0, DeT] = species_e0_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_g0_NASA(obj, species, temperature)#

Compute Compute Gibbs energy [J/mol] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • obj (NasaDatabase) – NasaDatabase object

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]


g0 (float) – Gibbs energy in molar basis [J/mol]


g0 = species_g0_NASA(NasaDatabase(), ‘H2O’, 300:100:6000)

species_gamma_NASA(species, T, DB)#

Compute adiabatic index of the species [-] at the given temperature [K] using piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomials and linear extrapolation

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • T (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


gamma (float) – Adiabatic index [-]


gamma = species_gamma_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_h0_NASA(species, temperature, DB)#

Compute enthalpy and thermal enthalpy [kJ/mol] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


Tuple containing

  • h0 (float): Enthalpy in molar basis [J/mol]

  • DhT (float): Thermal enthalpy in molar basis [J/mol]


[h0, DhT] = species_h0_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_s0_NASA(species, temperature, DB)#

Compute entropy [J/(mol-K)] of the species at the given temperature [K] using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


s0 (float) – Entropy in molar basis [J/(mol-K)]


s0 = species_s0_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)

species_thermo_NASA(species, temperature, DB)#

Compute thermodynamic function using NASA’s 9 polynomials

  • species (char) – Chemical species

  • temperature (float) – Range of temperatures to evaluate [K]

  • DB (struct) – Database with custom thermodynamic polynomials functions generated from NASAs 9 polynomials fits


Tuple containing

  • cP (float): Specific heat at constant pressure in molar basis [J/(mol-K)]

  • cV (float): Specific heat at constant volume in molar basis [J/(mol-K)]

  • h0 (float): Enthalpy in molar basis [J/mol]

  • DhT (float): Thermal enthalpy in molar basis [J/mol]

  • e0 (float): Internal energy in molar basis [J/mol]

  • DeT (float): Thermal internal energy in molar basis [J/mol]

  • s0 (float): Entropy in molar basis [J/(mol-K)]

  • g0 (float): Gibbs energy in molar basis [J/mol]


[cP, cV, h0, DhT, e0, DeT, s0, g0] = species_thermo_NASA(‘H2O’, 300:100:6000, DB)


class BurcatDatabase(varargin)#

Bases: combustiontoolbox.databases.Database, handle

The BurcatDatabase() class is used to store thermodynamic data from Burcat’s database using NASA’s 9 coefficient polynomial fits.

The BurcatDatabase() object can be initialized as follows:

database = BurcatDatabase()

This creates an instance of the BurcatDatabase() class and initializes it with the chemical species contained in Burcat’s database.

See also: NasaDatabase(), Database()



static thermoMillennium_2_thermoNASA9(filenameInput, varargin)#

Read Extended Third Millennium Thermodynamic Database of New NASA Polynomials with Active Thermochemical Tables update and write a new file compatible with thermo NASA 9 format

  • filenameInput (char) – Filename of the thermoMillennium data

  • filenameOutput (char) – Filename of the thermoMillennium data as NASA9


class SolarAbundances(varargin)#

The SolarAbundances class is used to read solar abundances and compute the initial molar composition of the mixture

See also: abundances2moles()


Class constructor

abundances2moles(elements, varargin)#

Read solar abundances in log 10 scale and compute the initial molar fractions in the mixture [-]

  • obj (SolarAbundances) – SolarAbundances object

  • elements (cell) – List with the given elements

  • filename (file) – Filename with the data

Optional Args:

metallicity (float): Metallicity


moles (float) – moles relative to H of the remaining elements in the mixture


  • moles = SolarAbundances.abundances2moles({‘H’, ‘He’, ‘C’, ‘N’, ‘O’, ‘Ne’, ‘Ar’, ‘S’, ‘Cl’, ‘Fe’})

  • moles = SolarAbundances.abundances2moles({‘H’, ‘He’, ‘C’, ‘N’, ‘O’, ‘Ne’, ‘Ar’, ‘S’, ‘Cl’, ‘Fe’}, 10)

static read_abundances(filename)#

Read solar abundances file

Format: [number element, element, abundance, name, molar mass (g/mol)]


filename (file) – Filename with the data


Tuple containing

  • abundances (float): Vector with the logarithmic base 10 solar abundances

  • elements (cell): List with the given elements