
  1% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2% EXAMPLE: HP - Humid air
  4% Compute adiabatic temperature and equilibrium composition at constant
  5% pressure (e.g., 1.01325 bar) for lean to rich CH4-ideal_air mixtures at
  6% standard conditions, a set of 10 species considered, and excess of air
  7% of 15%, and a set of relative humidity (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100) [%]
  9% LS == {'CO2', 'CO', 'H2O', 'H2', 'O2', 'N2', 'NO', 'OH', 'O', 'H'}
 11% See wiki or list_species() for more predefined sets of species
 13% Results compared with [1]
 15% [1] Sánchez, Y. A. C., Piedrahita, C. A. R., & Serrano, E. G. F. (2014).
 16%     Influencia del aire húmedo en la combustión del metano. Scientia et
 17%     technica, 19(4), 364-370.
 19% @author: Alberto Cuadra Lara
 20%          Postdoctoral researcher - Group Fluid Mechanics
 21%          Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
 23% Last update Feb 21 2024
 24% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 26% User inputs
 27air_excess = 15;              % [%]
 28humidity_relative = 0:20:100; % [%]
 29T = [10:2:60] + 273.15;       % [K]
 30p = 1 * 1.01325;              % [bar]
 32% Initialization
 33self = App();
 34DB_master = self.DB_master;
 35DB = self.DB;
 36LS = {'CO2', 'CO', 'H2O', 'H2', 'O2', 'N2', 'NO', 'OH', 'O', 'H'};
 38% Definitions
 39phi_t = 2; % stoichiometric number of moles of air per mole of fuel
 40phi = 1 / (1 + air_excess / 100); % equivalence ratio [-]
 41mm_air = self.DB.Air.mm; % [g/mol]
 42mm_H2O = self.DB.H2O.mm; % [g/mol]
 43n_air = 4.76; % total number of moles of stoichiometric ideal dry air (79% N2 and 21% O2 in volume)
 45% Miscellaneous
 46config = self.Misc.config;
 47config.innerposition = [0.2 0.2 0.35 0.5];  % Set figure inner position [normalized]
 48config.outerposition = [0.2 0.2 0.35 0.5];  % Set figure outer position [normalized]
 49colors = brewermap(length(humidity_relative), 'Greys');
 50FLAG_FIRST = true;
 52for j = length(humidity_relative):-1:1
 53    % Get specific humidity
 54    W = humidity_specific(T, p, humidity_relative(j));
 55    % Get moles H2O
 56    n_H20 = W * n_air * (mm_air / mm_H2O);
 57    % Solve problem
 58    for i = length(T):-1:1
 59        % Initialization
 60        self = App('fast', DB_master, DB, LS);
 61        % Initial conditions
 62        self = set_prop(self, 'TR', T(i), 'pR', p, 'phi', phi);
 63        self.PD.S_Fuel     = {'CH4'};
 64        self.PD.S_Oxidizer = {'N2', 'O2', 'H2O'};
 65        self.PD.N_Oxidizer = phi_t ./ phi .* [79/21, 1, n_H20(i)];
 66        % self.PD.ratio_oxidizers_O2 = [79, 21, nH20(i) * 21] / 21;
 67        % Set additional inputs (depends of the problem selected)
 68        self = set_prop(self, 'pP', self.PD.pR.value);
 69        % Solve problem
 70        self = solve_problem(self, 'HP');
 71        % Get data
 72        mix1{i} = self.PS.strR{1};
 73        mix2{i} = self.PS.strP{1};
 74    end
 76    if FLAG_FIRST
 77        index_CO2 = find_ind(self.S.LS, 'CO2');
 78        index_H2O = find_ind(self.S.LS, 'H2O');
 79        index_CH4 = find_ind(self.S.LS, 'CH4');
 80        FLAG_FIRST = false;
 81    end
 83    % Extract data
 84    mR = cell2vector(mix1, 'mi');
 85    TR = cell2vector(mix1, 'T');
 86    Yi_R = cell2vector(mix1, 'Yi');
 87    Yi_R_CH4 = Yi_R(index_CH4, :);
 89    mP = cell2vector(mix2, 'mi');
 90    TP = cell2vector(mix2, 'T');
 91    Yi_P = cell2vector(mix2, 'Yi');
 92    Xi_P = cell2vector(mix2, 'Xi');
 93    Yi_P_H2O = Yi_P(index_H2O, :);
 94    Xi_P_CO2 = Xi_P(index_CO2, :);
 96    m_CH4 = mR .* Yi_R_CH4;
 97    m_H20 = mP .* Yi_P_H2O;
 99    % Plot results
100    if ~exist('ax1', 'var')
101        ax1 = set_figure(config);
102        ax2 = set_figure(config);
103        ax3 = set_figure(config);
104    end
106    % Adiabatic flame temperature vs. reactant's temperature
107    ax1 = plot_figure('T_R\ [\rm K]', TR, 'T_P\ [\rm K]', TP, 'ax', ax1, 'color', colors(j, :));
108    % Molar fraction of CO2 vs. reactant's temperature
109    ax2 = plot_figure('T_R\ [\rm K]', TR, 'X_{\rm CO_2}', Xi_P_CO2, 'ax', ax2, 'color', colors(j, :));
110    % Water content after the combustion process (kg H2O / kg fuel) vs. reactant's temperature
111    ax3 = plot_figure('T_R\ [\rm K]', TR, '\rm Water\ content\ [kg_{H_2O}/kg_{CH_4}]', m_H20./m_CH4, 'ax', ax3, 'color', colors(j, :));